Kirsten Morris
I'm a fourth year Ph.D. student in the Mathematics Department at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL). My research area is in coding theory, and my advisor is Dr. Christine Kelley. To any prospective students interested in the UNL math department, please feel free to send me an email. I would be very happy to share about my experiences!
Before coming to UNL, I worked for AmeriCorps, the federal agency focused on domestic volunteerism. I worked as a Program Analyst for the National Civilian Community Corps and greatly enjoyed the work, the mission, and the wonderful co-workers. Before joining AmeriCorps as a staff member, I completed a year of service as an AmeriCorps Volunteer in Service to America (VISTA). During that year I worked in data analysis and quality assurance for Housing Connect, a housing authority in Salt Lake City, Utah. I was deeply fortunate to work with wonderful colleagues who are incredibly dedicated to the mission of providing affordable housing to folks across Salt Lake County. My time in Utah also sparked a deep love for hiking, exploring National Parks, and nature photography.
Before That
I'm from beautiful Savannah, Georgia, spending most of my childhood living in Coastal Georgia.
![]() | If I were a Springer-Verlag Graduate Text in Mathematics, I would be Joe Harris's Algebraic Geometry: A First Course. I am intended to introduce students to algebraic geometry; to give them a sense of the basic objects considered, the questions asked about them, and the sort of answers one can expect to obtain. I thus emphasize the classical roots of the subject. For readers interested in simply seeing what the subject is about, I avoid the more technical details better treated with the most recent methods. For readers interested in pursuing the subject further, I will provide a basis for understanding the developments of the last half century, which have put the subject on a radically new footing. Based on lectures given at Brown and Harvard Universities, I retain the informal style of the lectures and stresses examples throughout; the theory is developed as needed. My first part is concerned with introducing basic varieties and constructions; I describe, for example, affine and projective varieties, regular and rational maps, and particular classes of varieties such as determinantal varieties and algebraic groups. My second part discusses attributes of varieties, including dimension, smoothness, tangent spaces and cones, degree, and parameter and moduli spaces. Which Springer GTM would you be? The Springer GTM Test |